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What Our Clients & Partners Say...

What Our Clients Are Saying

I was curious about buying a house and everyone I talked to tried
recommending me their lender. I went on google and found Hunter, I called him up and he was able to answer a lot of my initial questions about the process and scheduled an appointment to have a sit down with him to review our options.

Well, today I’m moving into my new house and I couldn’t of done it without Hunter and his team. I think everyone should do their research before going with a lender, but I’ll say Hunter did a great job for us and was more than willing to keep us updated on the process. I received a weekly call and email from him about where we were at in the process.

Even today his company doesn’t even own the loan anymore and he’s still
in contact with us congratulating us!

What Realtors Are Saying

This process was especially difficult for my wife and I. We are self-
employed as well as make most of our income through capital gains. While
we may have good credit and good bank statements, our tax returns are a
maze and very confusing. Hunter was patient and worked through every
obstacle with us. He was the 4th mortgage company we went to, and was
the only company who made our refi happen!

Very professional!

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